Friday, 20 January 2017

Watch Donald Trump LOSE election 2016 - MSNBC #RealNews

Many people leading up to Election 2016 told friends, family and pollsters that they were either voting for Hillary or undecided

What the Democrats and Hillary camp never realized is how many of us did so - lying through our teeth, knowing full well we were either supporting Donald Trump or making sure crooked Hillary DID NOT become President - becoming 3rd term of Barack Obama administration.
If nothing else we learned why the electoral college is so important and why skipping over 'easy win' - flyover states that Hillary never bothered to visit could have made a huge difference.

If you're not a Trump hater, watch this hilarious montage and Rachel Maddow define the term #FakeNews - getting that snarky smirk wiped off her arrogant face.



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